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What is a character file?

A character file is a file for me (firebadnofire) to detail a character's traits, ambitions, thoughts, abilities, tools, etc. Basically everything one would want/need to know about them.

Ashley's character file:

Basic info

Name: Ashley Morgan

Birth Name: Ashley Morgan

Age: 20

Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd): 2007-10-23

Birth sex: Female

Gender: Female

Relationship status as of introduction: Single

Height: 170 cm (5 foot 7 inches)

Weight: 80 kg (176 lbs)





Strong knowledge of Linux and PC hardware

FOSS advocate

Fairly good archer, learned from her dad

Knows how to hunt and harvest meat, learned from her dad


Strong understanding of geopolitics of her day




Too willing to accept anything that happens, "it is what it is" is her motto

Can be overconfident at times, overestimating her abilities, she once got caught attempting to bypass her school's network restrictions

Unwilling to cause physical harm to humans

Can be very hateful when provoked, tending to yell and in forum becomes very agressave tonally

Highly opinionated, don't ask for her opinion on Windows if you don't have an afternoon to burn

Mental traits:

Able to recognize her flaws and ask for help to improve

Strong leader when motivated

Likes to talk to people

Loving of her family

Hopes for the best, expects the worst

Thinks humans are inherently neutral, not kind, not evil, just survivors

Available Tools

Compound bow she inherited from her dad

Personal phone which has several privacy protections available on