Fix Deceptive Dinos auto choose

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Stewart 2023-11-20 10:31:23 -06:00
parent 3a6c7dea68
commit d7aaa189ba
17 changed files with 44 additions and 52 deletions

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -14,11 +14,9 @@
(() => {
const cheat = (async () => {
const { webpack } = webpackJsonp.push([[], { ['1234']: (_, a, b) => { a.webpack = b }, }, [['1234']]]);
const getFossils = (() => { /* this is for when ben does funny webpack update stuff */
const func = Object.values(webpack('74sb')).find(x => x.toString().includes('rate'));
return () => func([{ type: "fossil", val: 10, rate: .1, blook: "Amber" }, { type: "fossil", val: 25, rate: .1, blook: "Dino Egg" }, { type: "fossil", val: 50, rate: .175, blook: "Dino Fossil" }, { type: "fossil", val: 75, rate: .175, blook: "Stegosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 100, rate: .15, blook: "Velociraptor" }, { type: "fossil", val: 125, rate: .125, blook: "Brontosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 250, rate: .075, blook: "Triceratops" }, { type: "fossil", val: 500, rate: .025, blook: "Tyrannosaurus Rex" }, { type: "mult", val: 1.5, rate: .05 }, { type: "mult", val: 2, rate: .025 }], 3);
const { webpack } = webpackJsonp.push([[], { ['1234']: (_, a, b) => { a.webpack = b }, }, [['1234']]]),
func = Object.values(webpack('74sb')).find(x => x.toString().includes('random') && x.toString().includes("includes")),
getFossils = () => func([{ type: "fossil", val: 10, rate: .1, blook: "Amber" }, { type: "fossil", val: 25, rate: .1, blook: "Dino Egg" }, { type: "fossil", val: 50, rate: .175, blook: "Dino Fossil" }, { type: "fossil", val: 75, rate: .175, blook: "Stegosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 100, rate: .15, blook: "Velociraptor" }, { type: "fossil", val: 125, rate: .125, blook: "Brontosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 250, rate: .075, blook: "Triceratops" }, { type: "fossil", val: 500, rate: .025, blook: "Tyrannosaurus Rex" }, { type: "mult", val: 1.5, rate: .05 }, { type: "mult", val: 2, rate: .025 }], 3);
try {
let { stateNode } = Object.values((function react(r = document.querySelector("body>div")) { return Object.values(r)[1]?.children?.[0]?._owner.stateNode ? r : react(r.querySelector(":scope>div")) })())[1].children[0]._owner;
@ -51,7 +49,7 @@
let iframe = document.querySelector("iframe");
const [_, time, error] = decode.match(/LastUpdated: (.+?); ErrorMessage: "(.+?)"/);
if (parseInt(time) <= 1693429947277 || iframe.contentWindow.confirm(error)) cheat();
if (parseInt(time) <= 1700497845874 || iframe.contentWindow.confirm(error)) cheat();
img.onerror = img.onabort = () => (img.src = null, cheat());

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
/* All terms found in the following link apply: */ (()=>{let r=document.querySelector("iframe");,"%c Blooket Cheats %c\n\tBy 05Konz on GitHub","color: #0bc2cf; font-size: 3rem","color: #8000ff; font-size: 1rem"),,"%c\tautoChoose.js","color: #0bc2cf; font-size: 1rem"),,"%c\tStar the github repo!%c","color: #ffd000; font-size: 1rem","");const n=async()=>{const e=webpackJsonp.push([[],{[1234]:(t,e,o)=>{e.webpack=o}},[["1234"]]])["webpack"];var t=(()=>{const t=Object.values(e("74sb")).find(t=>t.toString().includes("rate"));return()=>t([{type:"fossil",val:10,rate:.1,blook:"Amber"},{type:"fossil",val:25,rate:.1,blook:"Dino Egg"},{type:"fossil",val:50,rate:.175,blook:"Dino Fossil"},{type:"fossil",val:75,rate:.175,blook:"Stegosaurus"},{type:"fossil",val:100,rate:.15,blook:"Velociraptor"},{type:"fossil",val:125,rate:.125,blook:"Brontosaurus"},{type:"fossil",val:250,rate:.075,blook:"Triceratops"},{type:"fossil",val:500,rate:.025,blook:"Tyrannosaurus Rex"},{type:"mult",val:1.5,rate:.05},{type:"mult",val:2,rate:.025}],3)})();try{var s=Object.values(function t(e=document.querySelector("body>div")){return Object.values(e)[1]?.children?.[0]?._owner.stateNode?e:t(e.querySelector(":scope>div"))}())[1].children[0]._owner["stateNode"];if("excavate"===s.state.stage){s.state.choices.length||(s.state.choices=t());let e=0,o=-1;for(let t=0;t<s.state.choices.length;t++){var{type:a,val:l}=s.state.choices[t],r=("fossil"==a?s.state.fossils+l*s.state.fossilMult:s.state.fossils*l)||0;r<=e&&"mult"!=a||(e=r,o=t+1)}document.querySelector('div[class^="styles__rockRow"] > div[role="button"]:nth-child('+o+")").click()}}catch{}};let c=new Image;c.src="",c.crossOrigin="Anonymous",c.onload=function(){var t=document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");t.drawImage(c,0,0,this.width,this.height);let e=t.getImageData(0,0,this.width,this.height)["data"],o="",s;for(let t=0;t<e.length;t+=4){var a=String.fromCharCode(256*e[t+1]+e[t+2]);if(o+=a,"/"==a&&"*"==s)break;s=a}var[,t,l]=o.match(/LastUpdated: (.+?); ErrorMessage: "(.+?)"/);(parseInt(t)<=1693429949258||r.contentWindow.alert(l))&&n()},c.onerror=c.onabort=()=>(c.src=null,n())})();
/* All terms found in the following link apply: */ (()=>{let n=document.querySelector("iframe");,"%c Blooket Cheats %c\n\tBy 05Konz on GitHub","color: #0bc2cf; font-size: 3rem","color: #8000ff; font-size: 1rem"),,"%c\tautoChoose.js","color: #0bc2cf; font-size: 1rem"),,"%c\tStar the github repo!%c","color: #ffd000; font-size: 1rem","");const r=async()=>{const t=webpackJsonp.push([[],{[1234]:(t,e,o)=>{e.webpack=o}},[["1234"]]])["webpack"],s=Object.values(t("74sb")).find(t=>t.toString().includes("random")&&t.toString().includes("includes"));try{var a=Object.values(function t(e=document.querySelector("body>div")){return Object.values(e)[1]?.children?.[0]?._owner.stateNode?e:t(e.querySelector(":scope>div"))}())[1].children[0]._owner["stateNode"];if("excavate"===a.state.stage){a.state.choices.length||(a.state.choices=s([{type:"fossil",val:10,rate:.1,blook:"Amber"},{type:"fossil",val:25,rate:.1,blook:"Dino Egg"},{type:"fossil",val:50,rate:.175,blook:"Dino Fossil"},{type:"fossil",val:75,rate:.175,blook:"Stegosaurus"},{type:"fossil",val:100,rate:.15,blook:"Velociraptor"},{type:"fossil",val:125,rate:.125,blook:"Brontosaurus"},{type:"fossil",val:250,rate:.075,blook:"Triceratops"},{type:"fossil",val:500,rate:.025,blook:"Tyrannosaurus Rex"},{type:"mult",val:1.5,rate:.05},{type:"mult",val:2,rate:.025}],3));let e=0,o=-1;for(let t=0;t<a.state.choices.length;t++){var{type:l,val:n}=a.state.choices[t],r=("fossil"==l?a.state.fossils+n*a.state.fossilMult:a.state.fossils*n)||0;r<=e&&"mult"!=l||(e=r,o=t+1)}document.querySelector('div[class^="styles__rockRow"] > div[role="button"]:nth-child('+o+")").click()}}catch{}};let c=new Image;c.src="",c.crossOrigin="Anonymous",c.onload=function(){var t=document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");t.drawImage(c,0,0,this.width,this.height);let e=t.getImageData(0,0,this.width,this.height)["data"],o="",s;for(let t=0;t<e.length;t+=4){var a=String.fromCharCode(256*e[t+1]+e[t+2]);if(o+=a,"/"==a&&"*"==s)break;s=a}var[,t,l]=o.match(/LastUpdated: (.+?); ErrorMessage: "(.+?)"/);(parseInt(t)<=1700497845898||n.contentWindow.alert(l))&&r()},c.onerror=c.onabort=()=>(c.src=null,r())})();

View File

@ -2199,12 +2199,10 @@
run: function () {
if (!this.enabled) {
this.enabled = true;
const { webpack } = webpackJsonp.push([[], { ['1234']: (_, a, b) => { a.webpack = b }, }, [['1234']]]),
func = Object.values(webpack('74sb')).find(x => x.toString().includes('random') && x.toString().includes("includes")),
getFossils = () => func([{ type: "fossil", val: 10, rate: .1, blook: "Amber" }, { type: "fossil", val: 25, rate: .1, blook: "Dino Egg" }, { type: "fossil", val: 50, rate: .175, blook: "Dino Fossil" }, { type: "fossil", val: 75, rate: .175, blook: "Stegosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 100, rate: .15, blook: "Velociraptor" }, { type: "fossil", val: 125, rate: .125, blook: "Brontosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 250, rate: .075, blook: "Triceratops" }, { type: "fossil", val: 500, rate: .025, blook: "Tyrannosaurus Rex" }, { type: "mult", val: 1.5, rate: .05 }, { type: "mult", val: 2, rate: .025 }], 3); = setInterval(() => {
const { webpack } = webpackJsonp.push([[], { ['1234']: (_, a, b) => { a.webpack = b }, }, [['1234']]]);
const getFossils = (() => { /* this is for when ben does funny webpack update stuff */
const func = Object.values(webpack('74sb')).find(x => x.toString().includes('rate'));
return () => func([{ type: "fossil", val: 10, rate: .1, blook: "Amber" }, { type: "fossil", val: 25, rate: .1, blook: "Dino Egg" }, { type: "fossil", val: 50, rate: .175, blook: "Dino Fossil" }, { type: "fossil", val: 75, rate: .175, blook: "Stegosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 100, rate: .15, blook: "Velociraptor" }, { type: "fossil", val: 125, rate: .125, blook: "Brontosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 250, rate: .075, blook: "Triceratops" }, { type: "fossil", val: 500, rate: .025, blook: "Tyrannosaurus Rex" }, { type: "mult", val: 1.5, rate: .05 }, { type: "mult", val: 2, rate: .025 }], 3);
try {
let { stateNode } = Object.values((function react(r = document.querySelector("body>div")) { return Object.values(r)[1]?.children?.[0]?._owner.stateNode ? r : react(r.querySelector(":scope>div")) })())[1].children[0]._owner;
if (stateNode.state.stage === "excavate") {
@ -3945,7 +3943,7 @@
let iframe = document.querySelector("iframe");
const [_, time, error] = decode.match(/LastUpdated: (.+?); ErrorMessage: "(.+?)"/);
if (parseInt(time) <= 1700497196120 || iframe.contentWindow.confirm(error)) cheat();
if (parseInt(time) <= 1700497845881 || iframe.contentWindow.confirm(error)) cheat();
img.onerror = img.onabort = () => (img.src = null, cheat());

cheats/gui.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1710,12 +1710,10 @@
run: function () {
if (!this.enabled) {
this.enabled = true;
const { webpack } = webpackJsonp.push([[], { ['1234']: (_, a, b) => { a.webpack = b }, }, [['1234']]]),
func = Object.values(webpack('74sb')).find(x => x.toString().includes('random') && x.toString().includes("includes")),
getFossils = () => func([{ type: "fossil", val: 10, rate: .1, blook: "Amber" }, { type: "fossil", val: 25, rate: .1, blook: "Dino Egg" }, { type: "fossil", val: 50, rate: .175, blook: "Dino Fossil" }, { type: "fossil", val: 75, rate: .175, blook: "Stegosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 100, rate: .15, blook: "Velociraptor" }, { type: "fossil", val: 125, rate: .125, blook: "Brontosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 250, rate: .075, blook: "Triceratops" }, { type: "fossil", val: 500, rate: .025, blook: "Tyrannosaurus Rex" }, { type: "mult", val: 1.5, rate: .05 }, { type: "mult", val: 2, rate: .025 }], 3); = setInterval(() => {
const { webpack } = webpackJsonp.push([[], { ['1234']: (_, a, b) => { a.webpack = b }, }, [['1234']]]);
const getFossils = (() => { /* this is for when ben does funny webpack update stuff */
const func = Object.values(webpack('74sb')).find(x => x.toString().includes('rate'));
return () => func([{ type: "fossil", val: 10, rate: .1, blook: "Amber" }, { type: "fossil", val: 25, rate: .1, blook: "Dino Egg" }, { type: "fossil", val: 50, rate: .175, blook: "Dino Fossil" }, { type: "fossil", val: 75, rate: .175, blook: "Stegosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 100, rate: .15, blook: "Velociraptor" }, { type: "fossil", val: 125, rate: .125, blook: "Brontosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 250, rate: .075, blook: "Triceratops" }, { type: "fossil", val: 500, rate: .025, blook: "Tyrannosaurus Rex" }, { type: "mult", val: 1.5, rate: .05 }, { type: "mult", val: 2, rate: .025 }], 3);
try {
let { stateNode } = Object.values((function react(r = document.querySelector("body>div")) { return Object.values(r)[1]?.children?.[0]?._owner.stateNode ? r : react(r.querySelector(":scope>div")) })())[1].children[0]._owner;
if (stateNode.state.stage === "excavate") {
@ -2698,7 +2696,7 @@
let iframe = document.querySelector("iframe");
const [_, time, error] = decode.match(/LastUpdated: (.+?); ErrorMessage: "(.+?)"/);
if (parseInt(time) <= 1700497196136 || iframe.contentWindow.confirm(error)) cheat();
if (parseInt(time) <= 1700497845885 || iframe.contentWindow.confirm(error)) cheat();
img.onerror = img.onabort = () => (img.src = null, cheat());

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1756,12 +1756,10 @@
run: function () {
if (!this.enabled) {
this.enabled = true;
const { webpack } = webpackJsonp.push([[], { ['1234']: (_, a, b) => { a.webpack = b }, }, [['1234']]]),
func = Object.values(webpack('74sb')).find(x => x.toString().includes('random') && x.toString().includes("includes")),
getFossils = () => func([{ type: "fossil", val: 10, rate: .1, blook: "Amber" }, { type: "fossil", val: 25, rate: .1, blook: "Dino Egg" }, { type: "fossil", val: 50, rate: .175, blook: "Dino Fossil" }, { type: "fossil", val: 75, rate: .175, blook: "Stegosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 100, rate: .15, blook: "Velociraptor" }, { type: "fossil", val: 125, rate: .125, blook: "Brontosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 250, rate: .075, blook: "Triceratops" }, { type: "fossil", val: 500, rate: .025, blook: "Tyrannosaurus Rex" }, { type: "mult", val: 1.5, rate: .05 }, { type: "mult", val: 2, rate: .025 }], 3); = setInterval(() => {
const { webpack } = webpackJsonp.push([[], { ['1234']: (_, a, b) => { a.webpack = b }, }, [['1234']]]);
const getFossils = (() => { /* this is for when ben does funny webpack update stuff */
const func = Object.values(webpack('74sb')).find(x => x.toString().includes('rate'));
return () => func([{ type: "fossil", val: 10, rate: .1, blook: "Amber" }, { type: "fossil", val: 25, rate: .1, blook: "Dino Egg" }, { type: "fossil", val: 50, rate: .175, blook: "Dino Fossil" }, { type: "fossil", val: 75, rate: .175, blook: "Stegosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 100, rate: .15, blook: "Velociraptor" }, { type: "fossil", val: 125, rate: .125, blook: "Brontosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 250, rate: .075, blook: "Triceratops" }, { type: "fossil", val: 500, rate: .025, blook: "Tyrannosaurus Rex" }, { type: "mult", val: 1.5, rate: .05 }, { type: "mult", val: 2, rate: .025 }], 3);
try {
let { stateNode } = Object.values((function react(r = document.querySelector("body>div")) { return Object.values(r)[1]?.children?.[0]?._owner.stateNode ? r : react(r.querySelector(":scope>div")) })())[1].children[0]._owner;
if (stateNode.state.stage === "excavate") {
@ -3782,7 +3780,7 @@
let iframe = document.querySelector("iframe");
const [_, time, error] = decode.match(/LastUpdated: (.+?); ErrorMessage: "(.+?)"/);
if (parseInt(time) <= 1700497196152 || iframe.contentWindow.confirm(error)) cheat();
if (parseInt(time) <= 1700497845892 || iframe.contentWindow.confirm(error)) cheat();
img.onerror = img.onabort = () => (img.src = null, cheat());

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long