# Variables BIN_NAME = rms-server SERVICE_FILE = rms-server.service BIN_DEST = /usr/local/bin/$(BIN_NAME) SERVICE_DEST = /etc/systemd/system/$(SERVICE_FILE) # Targets all: @echo "Usage:" @echo "" @echo "make compile: only compile" @echo "make install_bin: only move the bin to /usr/local/bin" @echo "make install_service: only install the service file to /etc/systemd/system" @echo "make install: compile, then install both the service file and bin" @echo "make uninstall: remove the bin and service file" install: compile install_bin install_service compile: cargo build --release install_bin: sudo cp target/release/$(BIN_NAME) $(BIN_DEST) install_service: sudo cp $(SERVICE_FILE) $(SERVICE_DEST) sudo systemctl daemon-reload uninstall: sudo systemctl stop rms-server sudo rm -r $(SERVICE_DEST) $(BIN_DEST) target sudo systemctl daemon-reload