/** * @license StewartPrivateLicense-2.0.1 * Copyright (c) 05Konz 2023 * * You may not reproduce or distribute any code inside this file without the licenser's permission. * You may not copy, modify, steal, skid, or recreate any of the code inside this file. * You may not under any circumstance republish any code from this file as your own. * * ALL TERMS STATED IN THE LINK BELOW APPLY ASWELL * https://github.com/05Konz/Blooket-Cheats/blob/main/LICENSE */ /* THE UPDATE CHECKER IS ADDED DURING COMMIT PREP, THERE MAY BE REDUNDANT CODE, DO NOT TOUCH */ (() => { const cheat = (async () => { let i = document.createElement('iframe'); document.body.append(i); window.alert = i.contentWindow.alert.bind(window); window.prompt = i.contentWindow.prompt.bind(window); i.remove(); if (window.location.pathname == "/market") { let { webpack } = webpackJsonp.push([[], { ['1234']: (_, a, b) => { a.webpack = b }, }, [['1234']]]); let values = Object.values(webpack.c), blooks = values.find(x => x.exports?.a?.Chick?.set).exports.a, packs = values.find(x => x.exports.a?.Breakfast).exports.a, allBlooks = Object.entries(blooks).reduce((a, [b, c]) => (packs[c.realSet || c.set] && (a[b] = c), a), {}); let { stateNode } = Object.values(document.querySelector("[class*='camelCase']").parentElement)[1].children[0]._owner; let phaser = Object.values(webpack.c).find(x => x.exports?.Class).exports; let L = new function e() { this.scene = null, this.particles = null, this.rarity = null }; class Particles extends phaser.Scene { constructor(rarity) { super(); this.rarity = rarity.toLowerCase(); } preload() { switch (this.rarity) { case "uncommon": this.load.svg("uncommon-1", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567787/Media/market/particles/square_green.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("uncommon-2", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567787/Media/market/particles/square_light_green.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("uncommon-3", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567785/Media/market/particles/circle_dark_green.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("uncommon-4", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567785/Media/market/particles/serpentine_dark_green.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("uncommon-5", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567785/Media/market/particles/triangle_light_green.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("uncommon-6", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567785/Media/market/particles/serpentine_light_green.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("uncommon-7", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567785/Media/market/particles/triangle_green.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); break; case "rare": this.load.svg("rare-1", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567765/Media/market/particles/square_light_blue.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("rare-2", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567765/Media/market/particles/square_dark_blue.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("rare-3", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567763/Media/market/particles/triangle_blue.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("rare-4", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567763/Media/market/particles/serpentine_blue.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("rare-5", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567763/Media/market/particles/triangle_light_blue.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("rare-6", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567763/Media/market/particles/serpentine_light_blue.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("rare-7", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567763/Media/market/particles/circle_dark_blue.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); break; case "epic": this.load.svg("epic-1", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790239/Media/market/particles/red.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("epic-2", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790237/Media/market/particles/light_red.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("epic-3", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790239/Media/market/particles/serpentine_red.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("epic-4", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790239/Media/market/particles/serpentine_dark_red.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("epic-5", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790237/Media/market/particles/triangle_red.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("epic-6", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790237/Media/market/particles/triangle_light_red.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("epic-7", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790237/Media/market/particles/circle_dark_red.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); break; case "legendary": this.load.svg("legendary-1", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567740/Media/market/particles/square_orange.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("legendary-2", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567740/Media/market/particles/square_light_orange.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("legendary-3", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567738/Media/market/particles/circle_orange.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("legendary-4", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567738/Media/market/particles/serpentine_orange.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("legendary-5", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567738/Media/market/particles/serpentine_light_orange.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("legendary-6", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567738/Media/market/particles/circle_dark_orange.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("legendary-7", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658567738/Media/market/particles/triangle_dark_orange.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); break; case "chroma": this.load.svg("chroma-1", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790246/Media/market/particles/square_turquoise.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("chroma-2", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790246/Media/market/particles/square_light_turquoise.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); this.load.svg("chroma-3", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790244/Media/market/particles/serpentine_dark_turquoise.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("chroma-4", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790244/Media/market/particles/serpentine_turquoise.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("chroma-5", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790244/Media/market/particles/triangle_turquoise.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("chroma-6", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790244/Media/market/particles/triangle_light_turquoise.svg", { width: 30, height: 30 }); this.load.svg("chroma-7", "https://media.blooket.com/image/upload/v1658790244/Media/market/particles/circle_dark_turquoise.svg", { width: 25, height: 25 }); } } create() { L.scene = this; L.rarity = ""; L.particles = this.physics.add.group({ classType: new phaser.Class({ Extends: phaser.GameObjects.Image, initialize: function () { phaser.GameObjects.Image.call(this, L.scene, 0, 0, "uncommon-1"); this.setDepth(3); this.lifespan = 0; }, spawn: function (x, y, scale, velAngle, velSpeed, gravity, angle, lifespan, texture) { this.setTexture(texture); this.setActive(true); this.setVisible(true); this.setPosition(x, y); this.setScale(scale); this.targets = []; L.scene.physics.velocityFromAngle(velAngle, velSpeed, this.body.velocity); this.body.setGravityY(gravity); this.body.setAngularVelocity(angle); this.lifespan = lifespan; }, update: function (t, s) { this.lifespan -= s; if (this.lifespan > 0) return; this.setActive(!1); this.setVisible(!1); } }), runChildUpdate: !0 }); this.nextParticle = 0; this.numExplosions = 0; this.game.events.on("start-particles", (t) => { L.rarity = t; this.numExplosions = "Uncommon" === t ? 75 : "Rare" === t ? 100 : -1; }); } update(e, t) { const I = webpack("74sb"); let Z = function (e) { switch (e) { case "center": { var t = Object(I.l)(-115, -65); return { x: L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.width / 2, y: L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.height / 2, scale: Object(I.l)(.7, 1), angle: t, velocity: Object(I.l)(600, 750), gravity: 700, angVelocity: (t > -90 ? 1 : -1) * Object(I.l)(125, 175), lifespan: 2500 } } case "right-bottom": return { x: L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.width, y: L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.height, scale: Object(I.l)(.7, 1), angle: Object(I.l)(-160, -110), velocity: Object(I.l)(600, 750), gravity: 500, angVelocity: Object(I.l)(-175, -125), lifespan: 2500 }; case "left-bottom": return { x: 0, y: L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.height, scale: Object(I.l)(.7, 1), angle: Object(I.l)(-70, -20), velocity: Object(I.l)(600, 750), gravity: 500, angVelocity: Object(I.l)(125, 175), lifespan: 2500 }; case "top": return { x: Object(I.l)(0, L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.width), y: -50, scale: Object(I.l)(.7, 1), angle: 90, velocity: Object(I.l)(0, 50), gravity: 700, angVelocity: Object(I.l)(-150, 150), lifespan: 2500 }; case "right-shower": return { x: L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.width, y: Object(I.l)(0, L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.height), scale: Object(I.l)(.7, 1), angle: Object(I.l)(-180, -130), velocity: Object(I.l)(600, 750), gravity: 500, angVelocity: Object(I.l)(-175, -125), lifespan: 2500 }; case "left-shower": return { x: 0, y: Object(I.l)(0, L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.height), scale: Object(I.l)(.7, 1), angle: Object(I.l)(-50, 0), velocity: Object(I.l)(600, 750), gravity: 500, angVelocity: Object(I.l)(125, 175), lifespan: 2500 }; case "right-diamond": { var a = Object(I.l)(0, L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.height); return { x: L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.width, y: a, scale: Object(I.l)(.7, 1), angle: a > L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.height / 2 ? -150 : -210, velocity: Object(I.l)(600, 750), gravity: 0, angVelocity: Object(I.l)(-175, -125), lifespan: 2500 } } case "left-diamond": { var n = Object(I.l)(0, L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.height); return { x: 0, y: n, scale: Object(I.l)(.7, 1), angle: n > L.scene.cameras.main.worldView.height / 2 ? -30 : 30, velocity: Object(I.l)(600, 750), gravity: 0, angVelocity: Object(I.l)(125, 175), lifespan: 2500 } } default: return {}; } }; if (L.rarity && 0 !== this.numExplosions && (this.nextParticle -= t, this.nextParticle <= 0)) { switch (L.rarity) { case "Uncommon": { for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { let n = L.particles.get(); n && n.spawn.apply(n, Object.values(Z("center")).concat(`uncommon-${Object(I.m)(1, 8)}`)) } break; } case "Rare": { for (var o = 0; o < 2; o++) { var r = L.particles.get(); r && r.spawn.apply(r, Object.values(Z(o % 2 == 0 ? "left-bottom" : "right-bottom")).concat(`rare-${Object(I.m)(1, 8)}`)) } break; } case "Epic": { for (var s = 0; s < 2; s++) { var i = L.particles.get(); i && i.spawn.apply(i, Object.values(Z(s % 2 == 0 ? "left-shower" : "right-shower")).concat(`epic-${Object(I.m)(1, 8)}`)) } break; } case "Legendary": { for (var l = 0; l < 3; l++) { var c = L.particles.get(); c && c.spawn.apply(c, Object.values(Z("top")).concat(`legendary-${Object(I.m)(1, 8)}`)) } break; } case "Chroma": { for (var u = 0; u < 3; u++) { var d = L.particles.get(); d && d.spawn.apply(d, Object.values(Z(u % 2 == 0 ? "left-diamond" : "right-diamond")).concat(`chroma-${Object(I.m)(1, 8)}`)) } break; } } this.nextParticle = 20; this.numExplosions > 0 && (this.numExplosions = Math.max(this.numExplosions - 1, 0)); } } } let blook = prompt("What blook do you want to simulate opening? (Case Sensitive)"); if (Object.keys(allBlooks).includes(blook)) stateNode.setState({ loadingPack: false, openPack: true, unlockedBlook: blook, tokens: stateNode.state.tokens, newUnlock: true, game: { type: phaser.WEBGL, parent: "phaser-market", width: "100%", height: "100%", scale: { mode: phaser.Scale.NONE, autoCenter: phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH }, transparent: true, physics: { default: "arcade" }, scene: new Particles(allBlooks[blook].rarity) }, canOpen: true }); else if (blook) alert("Invalid blook! Make sure you spelled and capitalized it properly, the blook also needs a buyable pack in the market."); } else alert("This can only be ran on the market page!"); }); let img = new Image; img.src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/05Konz/Blooket-Cheats/main/autoupdate/timestamps/global/simulateUnlock.png?" + Date.now(); img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; img.onload = function() { const c = document.createElement("canvas"); const ctx = c.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); let { data } = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height), decode = "", last; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) { let char = String.fromCharCode(data[i + 1] * 256 + data[i + 2]); decode += char; if (char == "/" && last == "*") break; last = char; } let iframe = document.querySelector("iframe"); const [_, time, error] = decode.match(/LastUpdated: (.+?); ErrorMessage: "(.+?)"/); if (parseInt(time) <= 1693354615000 || iframe.contentWindow.confirm(error)) cheat(); } img.onerror = img.onabort = () => (img.src = null, cheat()); })();