/** * @license StewartPrivateLicense-2.0.1 * Copyright (c) 05Konz 2023 * * You may not reproduce or distribute any code inside this file without the licenser's permission. * You may not copy, modify, steal, skid, or recreate any of the code inside this file. * You may not under any circumstance republish any code from this file as your own. * * ALL TERMS STATED IN THE LINK BELOW APPLY ASWELL * https://github.com/05Konz/Blooket-Cheats/blob/main/LICENSE */ /* THE UPDATE CHECKER IS ADDED DURING COMMIT PREP, THERE MAY BE REDUNDANT CODE, DO NOT TOUCH */ (() => { const cheat = (async () => { let { stateNode } = Object.values(document.querySelector("[class*='camelCase']").parentElement)[1].children[0]._owner; const rocks = [...document.querySelector('[class*="rockButton"]').parentElement.children]; if (!rocks.every(element => element.querySelector('div'))) stateNode.setState({ choices: [{ type: "fossil", val: 10, rate: .1, blook: "Amber" }, { type: "fossil", val: 25, rate: .1, blook: "Dino Egg" }, { type: "fossil", val: 50, rate: .175, blook: "Dino Fossil" }, { type: "fossil", val: 75, rate: .175, blook: "Stegosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 100, rate: .15, blook: "Velociraptor" }, { type: "fossil", val: 125, rate: .125, blook: "Brontosaurus" }, { type: "fossil", val: 250, rate: .075, blook: "Triceratops" }, { type: "fossil", val: 500, rate: .025, blook: "Tyrannosaurus Rex" }, { type: "mult", val: 1.5, rate: .05 }, { type: "mult", val: 2, rate: .025 }].sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random()).slice(0, 3) }, () => { rocks.forEach((element, index) => { const rock = stateNode.state.choices[index]; if (element.querySelector('div')) element.querySelector('div').remove(); const choice = document.createElement("div"); choice.style.color = "white"; choice.style.fontFamily = "Macondo"; choice.style.fontSize = "1em"; choice.style.display = "flex"; choice.style.justifyContent = "center"; choice.style.transform = "translateY(25px)"; choice.innerText = rock.type === "fossil" ? `+${Math.round(rock.val * stateNode.state.fossilMult) > 99999999 ? Object.values(webpack('74sb')).find(x => x.toString().includes('\xd7'))(Math.round(rock.val * stateNode.state.fossilMult)) : Math.round(rock.val * stateNode.state.fossilMult)} Fossils` : `x${rock.val} Fossils Per Excavation`;; element.append(choice); }); }); }); let img = new Image; img.src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/05Konz/Blooket-Cheats/main/autoupdate/timestamps/dinos/rockESP.png?" + Date.now(); img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; img.onload = function() { const c = document.createElement("canvas"); const ctx = c.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); let { data } = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height), decode = "", last; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) { let char = String.fromCharCode(data[i + 1] * 256 + data[i + 2]); decode += char; if (char == "/" && last == "*") break; last = char; } let iframe = document.querySelector("iframe"); const [_, time, error] = decode.match(/LastUpdated: (.+?); ErrorMessage: "(.+?)"/); if (parseInt(time) <= 1693354614869 || iframe.contentWindow.confirm(error)) cheat(); } img.onerror = img.onabort = () => (img.src = null, cheat()); })();